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Showing posts with the label Earth

why Plane's Don't Fly Over The Pacific Ocean?

 Hello Dear viewers today we will know about why planes don't fly over the Pacific Ocean?  So let's get start, Why is my airline going out of its way to avoid the Pacific Ocean? Is this a mistake? Did I accidentally sign up for the caribouroute? At first you might think it was a safety issue. The Pacific is the largest and deepest of the world’s oceans.  If a plane encounters a problem over a seemingly endless and bottomless pond of water, the pilots are going to have a rough time finding  a safe spot to set her down. Alaska might not be over populated with international airports, but it’s a lot better than the middle of the ocean. How’s that for a tourism slogan? “Alaska, at least it’s better than sinking!” Okay, I apologize Alaska… Guessing that it was a safety precaution wouldn't be entirely wrong. When planning a route, many pilots prefer to maximize the number of airports along their path. Emergencies are incredibly rare relative to how many planes take to

what will happen in the next Billion Years?

Hi Dear Viewers today's Article is about future of Earth. So let's get start,  Humanity has been around for about 200,000 years and has experienced a massive amount of change already. From our starting point in Africa, we've managed to colonize the entire world at this point and even reached as far away as the moon. The Bering land bridge that once connected Asia and North America with one another has long since been submerged beneath the ocean, so if humanity exists for another billion years, then what additional changes or events can we reasonably expect to happen? Well, starting at about ten thousand years into the future, we will encounter the year 10,000 problem. Software that encodes the AD calendar year as a four digit decimal will no longer be able to encode dates starting at 10,000 AD. Iit will be a real Y10K, and in addition, if current trends of globalization continues, then human genetic variation will no longer be regionalised by this point, meaning that all hu

Top 10 Most Dangerous Plants on the Earth

Hello dear viewers today we will know about most dangerous plants on Earth  • What plant can be to either treat heart failure, or poison someone? What toxic plant is responsible for killing the mother of Abraham Lincoln?  Here are 10 of the most dangerous plants onEarth.  10 – Belladonna• Belladonna goes by many names, all of which indicate that it is not to be taken lightly. • Deadly night shade, death cherries, and devil’s berries all refer to the same plant, which has been used as an effective poison for centuries. • The berries look delicious and tempting,but the entire plant is so poisonous, even a light touch will cause your skin to breakout. • At one point, Belladonna was thought tobe a good recreational drug. The trip supposedly started out nice, butthen led to permanent blindness, brain damage, and death. So no, it wasn’t a good recreational drug.  9 –Cerbera Odollam [The Suicide Tree]• The Cerbera Odollam is known as the “Suicide tree” in India, where its toxins are frequentl

Top 10 Theories About What Killed Dinosaurs?

Hello Dear viewers today we know about Dinosaurs,(the extinct species). So Lets get start,   Top 10 Theories About What Killed the Dinosaurs  10. Asteroid Many of the other theoretical causes of extinction stem from an asteroid impact, and an impact event is the leading theory as to what killed the dinosaurs. Called the Alvarez hypothesis, it was developed by Nobel Prize winning physicist Luis Alvarez, his geologist son Walter Alvarez and two chemists, Frank Asaro and Helen Michels.The team discovered incredibly high levels of iridium in the sedimentary layers wherethe Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary is found. Iridium is uncommon in the Earth’s crust,but it is common on asteroids. There was only one problem — if an asteroid hit Earth, where was the crater? Well in 1990, 10 years after the theory was published, researchers found the Chicxulub crater in Mexico. It’s believed that is was made by an asteroid thatwas about 110 miles wide and about six across — roughly the dimensio