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Showing posts with the label space station

what will Spacex do when they get to Mars?

 Today we are going to tell you about Spacex, and what will Spacex do when they get to Mars.  In the year 2024, SpaceX aims to send the first humans to Mars, 55 years after man first set foot on the moon. While the Apollo missions only involved short stays on the moon, SpaceX aims to make Mars a permanent home for humans. For the first group of astronauts heading to Mars, the journey is expected to take around 5 months, but what will they do when they get there? In this article we will tell you whatneeds to be achieved before we can send humans to Mars. We are also going to look at the initial structuresand systems that astronauts will set up in order to begin colonizing Mars. Before the first astronauts ever set footon the surface of Mars, they will need to have the essentials like water and power alreadyset up before they get there. SpaceX plans to achieve this in 2022 by sending two BFR’s on uncrewed missions, carrying important equipment such as: a large arrayo...