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NASA Satellite launch details

 The Sun … the Moon … the planets… the stars… These natural phenomena have nurtured, guided and inspired life on Earth through out the ages. Yet it wasn't until the beginning of the 20th century, when aerial technology gave birth to the airplane that humans acquired the technical capability to literally reach for the stars. Today, airplanes take us to altitudes of 30,000 feet, allowing us to fly above the clouds at nearly 600 miles per hour. Half way through the 20th century, we invented the technology to go even farther and the satellite era had begun.  The first artificial satellites were launched to low Earth orbit, an area that extends to about 1,200 miles above Earth.The satellite era was destined to show the world that the sky could provide much more than intercontinental transportation and NASA was created.Today in the 21st century, over a thousand operating satellite's orbit planet Earth. They serve us daily with weather prediction, television programming, n