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Top 10 Theories About What Killed Dinosaurs?

Hello Dear viewers today we know about Dinosaurs,(the extinct species). So Lets get start,   Top 10 Theories About What Killed the Dinosaurs  10. Asteroid Many of the other theoretical causes of extinction stem from an asteroid impact, and an impact event is the leading theory as to what killed the dinosaurs. Called the Alvarez hypothesis, it was developed by Nobel Prize winning physicist Luis Alvarez, his geologist son Walter Alvarez and two chemists, Frank Asaro and Helen Michels.The team discovered incredibly high levels of iridium in the sedimentary layers wherethe Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary is found. Iridium is uncommon in the Earth’s crust,but it is common on asteroids. There was only one problem — if an asteroid hit Earth, where was the crater? Well in 1990, 10 years after the theory was published, researchers found the Chicxulub crater in Mexico. It’s believed that is was made by an asteroid thatwas about 110 miles wide and about six across — roughly the dimensio