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Breakthrough of The year (2019)

Hi readers today we are going to know about  Breakthrough of the year (2019)  Every year, reporters and editors at Science choose several runners-up, and one Breakthrough of the Year. Before we get to the Breakthrough, here are the runners-up. In Mexico, researchers have drilled rock cores from the Chicxulub crater. The cores chronicle in minute-by-minute detail the asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs. Other studies have revealed how the impact immediately destroyed living things thousands of kilometers away, and how mammals and plants recovered in the thousands of years that followed. A team of physicists claimed its rudimentary quantum computer performed a calculation in 200 seconds, that would overwhelm a conventional super computer. The achievement is known as quantum supremacy, and it marks a significant milestone on the long road to a fully functioning quantum computer.  Artificial intelligence systems have conquered a variety of complex two-person games. But this year,