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Top 10 Scary Questions Science can't Answer.

 Hello Dear Readers Today's Top 10 Questions Science Cant Answer.  Starting us off with number 10 is,   Reality,We as humans, they as scientists, no one knows if reality is real and we cant prove its real either. And im not just saying that as a generalisation. Have you ever woken up from an amazing dream or a really bad night mare and youre kind of just stuck some where in between a memory and a dream? That feeling itself emphasises that there are limitations to ours senses. Our senses may not be telling us the full story around us, the people and things around us could very well be illusions and we wouldnt know. They could be constructs of our own internal mechanism or created by our subconscious. Scientists have admitted they arent sure ifwe’ll ever understand the true nature of reality. The deeper we think about it the stranger it becomes. We already keep discovering new forces, particles, functions etc that drive our world so for all we know the world could have thousands of d