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top 10 weapons named after people

 Hello Dear viewers today we will know about the powerful weapons which are named after persons, So lets start article   Big Bertha Big Bertha was a 144-tonne cannon used by the German army to shell Paris from a distance of 122 km during World War . The name came from Bertha Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach 1886-1957), who inherited the German Krupp armaments business from her father, Friedrich Alfred Krupp. Congrave rocket i.e,1 rocket was named after British inventor Sir William Congreve 1/72-1828). It was used in battles against Napoleon in the early years of the 19th century Kalashnlkov This rmachine gun is named after its inventor, Russian Mikhail Kalashnikov (1922--). More than 70 million have been made. Lüger Gunmaker Georg Lüger (1849-1923) pioneered the P-08 pistol that bears his name in 1898. It was adopted by the German army and was widely used during both World Wars. Mauser The Mauser bolt-action rifle was developed in 1898 by German brothers Wilhelm (1834-...