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Showing posts with the label Einstein's theory of relativity

What is Black Hole (Stephen Hawkings final Theory)

Hello Dear viewers today we will know about Black Hole. So Guys let's get Started,  Iconic theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking may have passed away in 2018 but papers he wrote are still coming out after his death His latest paper released in October argues that black holes might be covered in soft hair what does he mean by that We're gonna get there by the end of this video but first we're gonna understand what the heck a black hole is by doing a Cool weird demo that shows us intuitively why you cannot escape a black hole according to Einstein's theory of relativity the gravity of any given object is proportional to its density So if an object is dense enough then nothing that gets too close can ever escape no matter What nothing not even light can escape from an Ultra, dense object so we would call that a black hole Also can we just take a moment to admire this black hole my incredible animator .  That's all know from the explanation of nothing being

The Big Bang Theory (universe creation)

Hi viewers, today we will know about the Big Bang Theory by which universe was made.  The beginning of everything. The Big Bang. The idea that the universe was suddenly born and is not infinite. Up to the middle of the 20th century,most scientists thought of the universe as infinite and ageless. Until Einstein’s theory of relativity gave us a better understanding of gravity, and Edwin Hubble discovered that galaxies are moving apart from one another in a way that fits previous predictions. In 1964, by accident, cosmic background radiation was discovered, a relic of the early universe,which together with other observational evidence, made the Big Bang the accepted theory in science. Since then, improved technology like the Hubble telescope has given us a pretty good picture of the Big Bang and the structure of the cosmos.   Recent observations even seem to suggest that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. But how did this Big Bang work? How can something come from