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Top 10 Most Dangerous Plants on the Earth

Hello dear viewers today we will know about most dangerous plants on Earth  • What plant can be to either treat heart failure, or poison someone? What toxic plant is responsible for killing the mother of Abraham Lincoln?  Here are 10 of the most dangerous plants onEarth.  10 – Belladonna• Belladonna goes by many names, all of which indicate that it is not to be taken lightly. • Deadly night shade, death cherries, and devil’s berries all refer to the same plant, which has been used as an effective poison for centuries. • The berries look delicious and tempting,but the entire plant is so poisonous, even a light touch will cause your skin to breakout. • At one point, Belladonna was thought tobe a good recreational drug. The trip supposedly started out nice, butthen led to permanent blindness, brain damage, and death. So no, it wasn’t a good recreational drug.  9 –Cerbera Odollam [The Suicide Tree]• The Cerbera Odollam is known as the “Suicide tree” in India, where its toxins are frequentl

Top 10 Theories About What Killed Dinosaurs?

Hello Dear viewers today we know about Dinosaurs,(the extinct species). So Lets get start,   Top 10 Theories About What Killed the Dinosaurs  10. Asteroid Many of the other theoretical causes of extinction stem from an asteroid impact, and an impact event is the leading theory as to what killed the dinosaurs. Called the Alvarez hypothesis, it was developed by Nobel Prize winning physicist Luis Alvarez, his geologist son Walter Alvarez and two chemists, Frank Asaro and Helen Michels.The team discovered incredibly high levels of iridium in the sedimentary layers wherethe Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary is found. Iridium is uncommon in the Earth’s crust,but it is common on asteroids. There was only one problem — if an asteroid hit Earth, where was the crater? Well in 1990, 10 years after the theory was published, researchers found the Chicxulub crater in Mexico. It’s believed that is was made by an asteroid thatwas about 110 miles wide and about six across — roughly the dimensio

The Big Bang Theory (universe creation)

Hi viewers, today we will know about the Big Bang Theory by which universe was made.  The beginning of everything. The Big Bang. The idea that the universe was suddenly born and is not infinite. Up to the middle of the 20th century,most scientists thought of the universe as infinite and ageless. Until Einstein’s theory of relativity gave us a better understanding of gravity, and Edwin Hubble discovered that galaxies are moving apart from one another in a way that fits previous predictions. In 1964, by accident, cosmic background radiation was discovered, a relic of the early universe,which together with other observational evidence, made the Big Bang the accepted theory in science. Since then, improved technology like the Hubble telescope has given us a pretty good picture of the Big Bang and the structure of the cosmos.   Recent observations even seem to suggest that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. But how did this Big Bang work? How can something come from

what will Spacex do when they get to Mars?

 Today we are going to tell you about Spacex, and what will Spacex do when they get to Mars.  In the year 2024, SpaceX aims to send the first humans to Mars, 55 years after man first set foot on the moon. While the Apollo missions only involved short stays on the moon, SpaceX aims to make Mars a permanent home for humans. For the first group of astronauts heading to Mars, the journey is expected to take around 5 months, but what will they do when they get there? In this article we will tell you whatneeds to be achieved before we can send humans to Mars. We are also going to look at the initial structuresand systems that astronauts will set up in order to begin colonizing Mars. Before the first astronauts ever set footon the surface of Mars, they will need to have the essentials like water and power alreadyset up before they get there. SpaceX plans to achieve this in 2022 by sending two BFR’s on uncrewed missions, carrying important equipment such as: a large arrayof solar p

what Happens when you Get Coronavirus?

 Hi Dear viewers today we will know about corona virus (the pandamic)  This is SARS CoV-2. It is from that family  of corona viruses,   which is named for crown like spikes on their surfaces. SARS CoV-2 can cause COVID-19, a contagious viral infection that attacks primarily your throat and lungs. What happens in your body when you get coronavirus? What exactly causes your body to develop pneumonia? And how would a vaccine work?  The coronavirus must infect living cells in order to reproduce. Let's have a closer look. The virus contains genetic material inside, the information to make more copies of itself. A hard protective protein cell enclosure for the material such as genetic as the virus traveles in the people and it infects. An outer envelope allows the virus to infect cells by merging with the cell's outer membrane.From the envelope of projecting are spikes of molecules of protein. Both a typical influenza virus and the new corona virus use their spikes like a

How does satellites work

 Hello Dear viewers Lets get start todays Article We live our lives knowing that many satellites orbitour planet every day, and that they are helping us in several ways. You might be surprised to know that there are almost 4900 satellites orbiting the Earth. The most obvious questions that come to mind are, why are these satellites in totally different orbits? How does the satellite carryout all of its functions? And what are the components inside them, which help them to accomplish all of their allotted tasks? Let's explore the answers toall these questions in detail. It's a well known fact thata satellite stays in orbit because of the balance between gravitational pull and centrifugal force. The angular velocity of the satellite is decided by the force balance equation that balances the gravitational and centrifugal forces. When the satellite is deployed, it is given sufficient speed to balance these two forces. A satellite near to Earth requires more speed to resist the grav

NASA Satellite launch details

 The Sun … the Moon … the planets… the stars… These natural phenomena have nurtured, guided and inspired life on Earth through out the ages. Yet it wasn't until the beginning of the 20th century, when aerial technology gave birth to the airplane that humans acquired the technical capability to literally reach for the stars. Today, airplanes take us to altitudes of 30,000 feet, allowing us to fly above the clouds at nearly 600 miles per hour. Half way through the 20th century, we invented the technology to go even farther and the satellite era had begun.  The first artificial satellites were launched to low Earth orbit, an area that extends to about 1,200 miles above Earth.The satellite era was destined to show the world that the sky could provide much more than intercontinental transportation and NASA was created.Today in the 21st century, over a thousand operating satellite's orbit planet Earth. They serve us daily with weather prediction, television programming, n