Hello Dear Readers
Today's Top 10 Questions Science Cant Answer.
Starting us off with number 10 is,
Reality,We as humans, they as scientists, no one knows if reality is real and we cant prove its real either. And im not just saying that as a generalisation. Have you ever woken up from an amazing dream or a really bad night mare and youre kind of just stuck some where in between a memory and a dream? That feeling itself emphasises that there are limitations to ours senses. Our senses may not be telling us the full story around us, the people and things around us could very well be illusions and we wouldnt know. They could be constructs of our own internal mechanism or created by our subconscious. Scientists have admitted they arent sure ifwe’ll ever understand the true nature of reality. The deeper we think about it the stranger it becomes. We already keep discovering new forces, particles, functions etc that drive our world so for all we know the world could have thousands of dimensions that we’ll never know of or be able to experience. I feel like thats such a mind explosion we have no way to prove reality is real. This could not be real but we wouldnt know that.
Coming in at number 9 is Ice. Hear me out.Saying ice is slippery is just like saying water is wet. Its like how we cant explain what the colour red looks like we just innately know. Ice being slippery is just somethingwe know. But science cant explain why ice is slippery. We dont know why we cant skion boulders made of ice but we can ski on ice. The most common explanation given is that ice expands when it freezes and so when we step on it we compact it back into slippery water. But thats been refuted because theres just no way our bodies exert any where close to enough pressure to squeeze it into a liquid again. Other scientists think its that the surface of ice stays liquid open air is putting pressure on it. Others say ice isnt slippery at all. So i dont know what to tell you and neither does science.
At number 8 we have Dreaming. Now if you are someone who has dreams all the time or someone that has like once a year we can all agreewe know the experience of dreaming. Sleep experts and scientists know when we’re most likely to dream, during the REM part of our sleep cycle. REM meaning rapid eye movement.And we can actually see someone when theyre in REM sleep because their eyes zip from sideto side and they may jerk. If you have a pet youve probably definitely seen it happen tothem its cute when theyre running away from god knows what in their sleep. But anyway,the one thing scientists cant figure out is why we dream. We know the when but we dontknow the why. Perhaps its just your brain releasing stress or reflecting. It could belike Freud said and be about what your subconscious wants and thinks. It could be a biochemical way for our brain to sort and store short and long term info. It could be any of these reasons or none at all. Either way dreams can be fun. Except i hate when im sleeping next to someone and then im just like *jerk* and i wake up hoping they didnt feel that and they are just like are you okay? And im like kill me now.
Filling our number 7 slot is Solitaire. Impretty sure solitaires the first card game i ever played because it was always on any PC back in the day or on your nokia phone. Klondike solitaire in particular is what we’re talking about today. Scientists just havent cracked it. Mathematicians have even openly admitted the fact we dont know anything about klondike is one of the biggest ‘embarrassments of applied mathematics’. When they tried to figure out the odds of winning they ran into trouble. They couldnt even wrap their head around the number of possible winning hands. The mathematician concluded that 80-90% of hands are winnable but have you ever won8 out of 10 times when playing? Thats what i thought. They cracked how to win Monopoly which is a much more complicated game but solitaire is clearly beyond our powers of understanding.
Now at number 6 is Consciousness. That inner voice that you always seem to be talking to you or narrating everything in life essentially.Your thoughts if you will. Yeah we have no idea what that is or where it comes from.Our brain obviously controls our bodies and its functions and helps us think through lifes hurdles. But the brain is not the mind. People dont realise those two arent the same thing.We cant explain how electrical impulses in your brain a physical substance, is able tocreate a non physical substance our consciousness. If we stray away from science, some religions say consciousness was given to us from God as a gift to guide us in this world. Scientists theorise that consciousness is a bunch of biological processes that contribute to amore complicated thinking that results in this self awareness that we have because ofthe consciousness. We’ve determined that animals like dogs also have consciousness but not as developed as ours. Really i dont know how weve determined that cus theres literally no way to prove that or figure it out but you know us humans. We just have to flex and pretend we know more than we do.
Coming in at number 5 are Extinct Species.And this one may be a bit of an obvious one. These days in the 21st century most people think of everything as discovered, not many people are out there trying to discover new creatures or places. But if you asked a taxonomist whos literal job is to go out, find and catalog animals, they had tell you that we are no where even close. We havent even scratched the surface.Despite doing this job for 250 plus years, we still discover more than 15,000 new speciesa year. So they have no clue at all about how many species live on earth currently let alone how many ever have in the history of life. Currently we know of around 2 millions pecies but scientists have estimated the number of species on the earth right now is anywhere from 5 million to 100 million. We know small range just a whopping 95 million difference.In the 19th century taxonomists said there were only 400,000 species on earth and we have already found 5 times that number. And all this is excluding the fact that 99% of living space is under ocean and weve only explored 10% of it.
At number 4 are Bicycles. Yeah you wouldve thought physicists wouldve figured that one out by now but still nothing. The design ofa standard bicycle has barely changed in 200 years and still no one knows how it works.Even the guy who invented it had no idea what he was doing it was just trial and error.He knew nothing about weight distribution or balance or anything like that. Modern bike design schools themselves admit that the best bike designs come from experience and intuition not science. We dont know how theyre stable, how we ride them or how they keep going. Foryears scientists said we were able to balance because of the gyroscopic effect which isthe force that stops a spinning top from falling over. But that was debunked. Others thought may be it was the caster effect which is to do with the angle of the front wheel but that was also refuted. So in conclusion, ask a scientists how quantum physics works and hecan answer you fine. Ask a scientist how a bike stays up and theyll be like :
Filling our number 3 slot is Gravity. I really didnt think gravity would be on list. I had to learn so much about gravity during schools was like we’ve got that figured out. But evidently i was wrong. So gravity is 1 ofthe 4 basic forces that hold our universe together but good ol gravity is the only one that makes no sense. We cant comprehend how its so weak yet so strong at the same time.No matter how far you travel space wise gravity never fully disappears. On one hand its the force that holds our solar system in place. And on the other hand its weaker than theforce exerted when bringing two magnets to each other. The other forces in the world are controlled by their particles but we havent found gravity particles or anything of that sort. If you go into even deeper like down to atomic and molecular level gravity stops working. We have more knowledge about whats inside an atom than we do about why a ball comes back down after we throw it.
Now at number 2 is Music. I think i love musicmore than anything legitimately i probably listen to it for more than half the time imawake everyday its a vibe. These days the production and consumption of music is massive.Its a huge part of the economy and it surrounds us every single day. Now i can listen to musicon my phone all the time privately privately wherever. But 100 years ago the only musicyou really heard were from church choirs, singsongs at home or fiddlers in a pub. An average american teenager now spends ⅛ of their life listening to music. And we haveno idea why. Some people thought music evolved because it bonded groups of people togetheror because it helps attract a mate. But we dont actually understand music. We know itcan release dopamine but why do humans find pleasure in listening to different combinations of vibrations at different frequencies? How and why did people develop the ability toeven be able to create music? Whats its purpose its not biological. If i had to imagine aworld without music right now things could be marginally worse but that also sounds like torture. Yet theres no biological need or purpose or anything for music. It just is.And thats all we know.
And finally at number 1 is Aging. Now forthe longest time scientists thought aging happened because of molecular damage that accumulates in our bodies over time. And this damage is unavoidable because it literally happens because of us breathing oxygen as well as other processes that are necessary for life. So cant exactly not do them. But because of that damaged cells end up stop working altogether or they adopt new functions that can trigger cancer cells or degradation.And by the 20th century life expectancy in the US shot up from 45 to 78 so clearly were surviving for longer but still aging at the same rate. So we know the processes that cause aging but we just know it in enough molecular detail in order for us to intervene and stop it. Almost all organisms age yet there are such big differences in life expectancy. Take the naked mole rat. Its life expectancy is around 30 years which is 10 times longer than a normal mouse. But what makes that even more mind blowing is the fact that naked mole rats have higher signs of oxidative damage than regular mice yet they still live longer. Sothat experiment made scientists think perhaps oxidative damage doesnt cause aging at all.And so if that is the, we know nothing at all. And thats it for todays video guys! I actually really enjoyed doing this one because i thought we had the answer to most of the things onthis list today. Kind of like how you assume 98% of things have answers but they dont.I hope you learnt something new today and if you didnt then damn i really need to get better at these.
Thank you
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